Newest or Updated Add-ins

SelectiveJournaling for Exchange 2000/2003
This application allows the Exchange administrator to set Message Journaling on per-mailbox basis. More info
RightPostmaster for Exchange 2000/2003
your Exchange 2000 server hosts multiple mail domains, e.g.,,, this application correlates Non Delivery Reports (NDR) with domains, so that a NDR related to will be sent from, and a NDR related to will be sent from More info
This utility is aimed at Outlook users that have access to multiple mailboxes. It will automatically fill in the correct From address based on the current mailbox, even if the default From is different. More info
RightAccount for Outlook 2003
Free Tool! Using RightAccount utility, you can be sure that the proper IMAP account will be selected automatically when you create a new message from the non-default mailbox. More info
Read Receipt Remover for Exchange 2000/2003
Read Receipt Remover for MS Exchange 2000/2003 application can remove the read receipt request from each inbound e-mail message delivered to default Inbox folder of user's personal mailbox. So the Read Notification will never be sent back to the message originator. More info
PubNotify for Exchange 2000
This free application allows you to notify users when new item appears in the Exchange public folder. Notification message looks like NET SEND message. The application is Exchange store synchronous event sink. More info
HeaderToCategory for MS Exchange 2000/2003
This application converts all SMTP mail headers to categories for each incoming message. That allows user easily create rules to differentiate important e-mails automatically using multiple colors and fonts based on e-mail header information. More info
ChooseFrom for Exchange 2007
Exchange 2007 application that allows users to send a message with any of their own SMTP addresses as the From address. More info
ChooseFrom for Exchange 2000/2003
Exchange 2000/2003 application that allows users to send a message with any of their own SMTP addresses as the From address. More info
This application can change the message class for incoming messages from the default to custom one. Use ChangeMessageClassPF if you have created a custom Outlook form and you want to convert every message delivered to the Public Folder into this custom form immediately after receiving. More info
This application can change the message class for incoming messages from the default to custom one. Use ChangeMessageClass if you have created a custom Outlook form and you want to convert every message delivered to the mailbox into this custom form immediately after receiving. More info
CentralForwarder for Exchange 2000/2003
This application allows you to turn on/turn off e-mail forwarding for any Exchange user with a single mouse click. More info
RibbonCustomizer is an add-in for Microsoft Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word 2007. It allows you to customize the Ribbon (Office Fluent) User Interface with only a few mouse clicks! Microsoft did not include that ability in Office 2007, but with this add-in you are no longer stuck with a static User Interface! More info
VBOffice Reporter
VBOffice Reporter calculates the sum of values from tasks, appointments, and journal entries with just a few clicks. These reports may be filtered, grouped, and exported into an Excel file. More info
Prevents you from closing Outlook when you accidentally press the Close button. More info