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A property of the item called message class determines the form the item uses. This application can help you to change the message class for incoming messages from the default to custom one. For example, you create a custom Outlook form with IPM.Note.Sales message class and you need that each message e-mailed to your Exchange 2000/2003 Sales public folder will be converted to your custom form (IPM.Note.Sales) immediately after receiving to display information in a Sales custom form. Using ChangeMessageClassPF application you can implement that functionality in your Exchange 2000/2003 – based system.

The application is an Exchange store event sink.


  • Message type conversion is processed instantly, before any rules are applied
  • You can set up CMClassPF on per-folder basis or as “store-wide” application, i.e. it will work on each public folder of Exchange 2000/2003 Public Folder Store
  • The application is server-centric, so you do not need to install any extra software on the client side

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