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RibbonCustomizer™ is an add-in for Microsoft® Access™, Excel®, Outlook®, PowerPoint® and Word 2007. It allows you to customize the Ribbon (Office Fluent™) User Interface with only a few mouse clicks! Microsoft did not include that ability in Office 2007, but with this add-in you are no longer stuck with a static User Interface!

Quick Overview

  • Easy to use user interface
  • Individual command customization – put only those commands on your Ribbon (Office Fluent™) that you want!
  • Remove any existing tab
  • Create and edit new tabs and populate them with the groups you want
  • Change any existing tabs to include just the groups you want
  • Create your own groups with any commands you want
  • Reorder groups and tabs (only possible for tabs & groups you added that were not at that location by default)
  • Create your own new customizations
  • Use pre-defined customizations
  • Quickly switch multiple customizations on and off
  • Toggle between the default Ribbon and your customized one
  • Classic UI tabs for Excel, PowerPoint and Word 2007
  • Get a jumpstart on using RibbonX by having RibbonCustomizer™ generate RibbonX for you
  • Load any RibbonX file with RibbonCustomizer™ into a Ribbon application. This is especially useful when you are
    Writing RibbonX for your own documents, templates or COM add-ins as it can help you test and evaluate your code quickly.
  • RibbonCustomizer™ is currently available only in English. It is possible to use it with a non-English version of Office, but this configuration is not supported. Other languages will be supported in a future version.
  • A copy of RibbonCustomizer™ Professional can be used by one user on all of his or her computers.
  • Lifetime free update guarantee

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