Watch Outlook Folders


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Do you need to be notified when someone changes something in a public folder? Now you can automatically get notified when an item in a public folder or shared mailbox changes. Easily keep track of changes in a multi-user environment, or when using an additional shared mailbox.

Like all our add-ins, Watch Folders stops working when you close Microsoft Outlook, but “remembers” where it left off when you restart it. The add-in will prompt you (or send an email) for any of the items that have changed. If it’s an excessive number (more than about 10 items) it will ask you if you want to write the notifications to a log file instead so that you can go back and review the changed items later.  Nothing could be simpler.

Features of the Watch Folders add-in include:

  • Integrates directly into Microsoft Outlook
  • Easily enable/disable the add-in
  • Watch multiple personal folders, public folders, or additional mailboxes at the same time
  • Works with Contacts, Tasks, Appointments, Email, or any public folder
  • Get notification via email or popup message
  • Notification includes date/time of change and which item it was
  • Customizable filter to get notification for specific changes to only certain items
  • Coded to avoid the Microsoft Outlook security prompts
  • Designed to work with Microsoft® Exchange public folders or any other shared folders
  • Works with Microsoft Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003, Microsoft Outlook 2002, and Microsoft Outlook 2000

In addition to receiving the date/time of the last change to an item, and the name of the item itself, if you are using Exchange public folders then the Watch Folders add-in will also tell you who last changed the item.

Note: This add-in participates in the Business Bundle offer. If you’re thinking about getting this add-in, check out our special offer.

This description is not a review but information provided by the product vendor or obtained from the vendor's website.