Insert Date Time


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Stay organized! Automatically insert the date and time with a click of a button. Ease your daily recordkeeping chores with the Insert Date/Time add-in. Perfect for organizing the notes when shared or synchronized access to public folders is used.

This add-in includes the ability to format the date & time so that it appears the way you want. It also has a single hotkey option, allowing you to map a function key and be able to press that instead of using the toolbar or menu command. This way, you can enter the date/time stamp into Outlook Notes (which do not support menus or toolbar buttons).

Features and Benefits

  • Easy to operate: One click to insert the text
  • Supports a mappable function key to invoke the date/time stamp
  • Works with Contacts, Tasks, Appointments, Notes, Email and Journal Entries
  • Customize the insert text
  • Include author name in the custom insertion text
  • Supports 8 different date formats and 8 different time formats
  • Insert extra line breaks in the custom insertion text
  • Append to the start or end of text body, or insert wherever the cursor is located
  • Integrates directly into Outlook
  • Easily enable/disable the add-in
  • Coded to avoid the Outlook security prompts
  • Works with Microsoft Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2002 and Outlook 2000
  • Works with Exchange public folders or any other shared folders

The Insert Date/Time add-in makes inserting the current date and time into the body section of any Outlook item (Contact, Tasks, Appointments, Notes, Email and Journal Entries) a breeze. It inserts the date/time into these Outlook items regardless of their format – it works with plain text, HTML, or RTF formats.

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