Journal All Contacts


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Do you use journaling? If so, you know how long it can take to turn it on or off for each contact. Now you can turn journaling on or off for all contacts within a folder with just one click. Normally, each contact has to be individually selected but with this add-in, all contacts within the folder chosen have their journaling turned on or off.

Features of the Journal All Contacts add-in include:

  • Operate on all contacts within multiple folders
  • Easily turn journaling on or off for contacts with a single button
  • View individual contact’s journal status at any time
  • Control individual contact’s journal status with a click of a button
  • Coded to avoid the Outlook security prompts
  • Integrates directly into Outlook
  • Works with Microsoft Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2002 and Outlook 2000

Simplify your access to journaling many contacts at once.

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