Contacts Sort Order


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Everyone knows that the contacts (and address book) sort order can be changed from first name, last name order (which is the default) to last name, first name order – and if you didn’t know, the instructions are below.

However, once the order is set, confusion sets in because it only works for new entries. All your existing entries must be converted by hand which can be time consuming, tedious, and error prone.

This add-in will allow you to specify the sort order you would like all your existing contacts to be listed in, whether it be last name, first name or first name, last name.

Features of the Contacts Sort Order add-in include:

  • Simple, easy to use interface makes updating the sort order of all your contacts a snap
  • Does both contacts and address book
  • Allows several predefined formats (e.g., “Last name, First name” or “Company Name (Last name, First name)”)
  • Updates all your contacts in your specified folders at once
  • Optionally strips that annoying leading and trailing single quote from the File As and name fields
  • Optionally swaps the first name with the last name
  • Works with Microsoft Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2002, or Outlook 2000
  • Integrates directly into Outlook and is invoked from within Outlook
  • Avoids the Outlook security prompts so you won’t get those nagging security prompts
  • Works with Microsoft Exchange Server (and public folders) but does not require it

Fast. Easy. Productive. And the price is right too! It’s free if you promise not to contact technical support except for installation troubles.

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