Remote Out-of-Office


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Remote Out-of-Office for Exchange is a server-based application that allows users to remotely manage Out of Office settings for other users, or themselves without Outlook, or any additional applications.

How Remote Out-of-Office Works
Once users are configured with permissions to control other users Out-of-Office settings, managing another user’s Out-of-Office settings is as easy as sending an email.

Benefits & Features

  • Users can manage their Out-of-Office message from anywhere without Outlook or Outlook Web Access.
  • Receptionists and Help Desk technicians can centrally manage Out-of-Office for staff.
  • No special applications required. Manage Out-of-Office with any email program.
  • Fully secure permission-based operation.
  • Remote Out-of-Office confirms all actions and copies the recipient of the action so everyone is fully informed of the changes in settings.
  • Remote Out-of-Office can be configured to clean up after itself so it is a fully hands-off system requiring very little maintenance.
  • Simple to install.

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