Duplicates Remover for Outlook


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Duplicates Remover is a powerful and flexible plug-in for Microsoft® Outlook® intended for the search and processing of duplicates in Microsoft Outlook folders.

This plug-in for Outlook processes contacts, notes, tasks, journals and calendar items in Microsoft Outlook folders.

Possible duplicate actions

  • Mark with a flag — the duplicate will be marked with a flag;
  • Remove the flag — the flag will be removed;
  • Move to a folder… — the duplicate found will be moved to the duplicate folder specified below;
  • Copy to folder… — the duplicate found will be copied to the duplicate folder;
  • Copy to folder and mark with a flag… — the duplicate will be copied to the duplicate folder and marked with a flag in its current location.
  • Delete (move to the Deleted Items folder) — the duplicate will be moved to the Deleted Items folder.
  • Delete permanently — duplicate will be deleted permanently (bypassing the Deleted Items folder).

Duplicates Remover is plug-in for Outlook that is fully compatible with Microsoft Exchange Server and may be used to process public folders on server. Also, if you have the permission to connect to folders of other users, you can process folders of other users as well as that of your own folder.

To remove duplicated email messages, please try our other product — Duplicate Email Remover.

This description is not a review but information provided by the product vendor or obtained from the vendor's website.