WhichAddress for Exchange 2000/2003


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An Exchange 2000/2003 mailbox may have multiple SMTP addresses assosiated with it. For example, John Doe has a mailbox with a primary SMTP address of john.doe@company.com and secondary SMTP address of johnd@company.com. As Outlook always resolves both SMTP addresses to a mailbox name, there is no way to see what address the message was originally sent to. The only known workaround is looking through message envelope headers (open a message > View > Options…). Suppose John Doe would like to set a rule to put any emails sent to johnd@company.com to a separate “JohnD-Inbox” folder. When he tries to set the rule, it does not work because of address resolving.

WhichAddress for Exchange 2000/2003 application allows user to see which address the message was originally sent to and set up a rule to separate the messages being sent to different SMTP addresses.

The application is an Exchange store event sink.


  • You can set up WhichAddress on per-mailbox basis or as “store-wide” application, i.e. it will work on each user’s
    Inbox in the certain Exchange 2000 mailbox store
  • The application is server-centric, so you do not need to install any extra software on the client side

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