Email Scheduler


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Send multiple individual emails, html or plain text, with attachments, either as a one-off or regularly at a specified time and interval.

The recipients list can be drawn from your Outlook Contacts, a plain text file,database or spreadsheet. It also allows you to specify the interval between each send so as to avoid triggering any spam limits on your account. Outlook is not needed to send. Your machine needs to be switched on, but you don’t even have to be logged in.

Main features;

  • Send emails to your customers, colleagues, friends and family
  • Use it for automatic reminders
  • Doesn’t require Outlook or Outlook Express
  • Send plain text or HTML to make your message more attractive
  • Attach files – either separately or in a .zip
  • Multiple recipients – number is only limited only by how fast your ISP will accept emails
  • Each receives a separate, individual email
  • Personalise your message with the recipient’s name
  • Create the recipients list from your Outlook Contacts, a simple textfile list or retrieve from a database or spreadsheet
  • Re-send failed/interrupted emails
  • Schedule recurring emails
  • Define multiple email projects, save and schedule them separately

This description is not a review but information provided by the product vendor or obtained from the vendor's website.