Leigh Business Enterprises Ltd. (LBE) are a small software consultancy specializing in the development of business software. We have been in business since 1991.

We are a limited company registered in England.

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Addins from this vendor

Attachment stripperSave space by stripping large attachments from email messages. You can opt to delete them or move them to your hard disk and insert a link to them into the message. More info
Calendar Items DeduplicatorAutomatically delete duplicate calendar items. More info
Contact DeduplicatorAutomatically delete duplicate contacts. More info
Contact Tidy upTidies up Contacts name and address entries by removing double-spaces and proper-casing names (e.g. "john smith" becomes "John Smith"). More info
Email message DeduplicatorAutomatically delete duplicate emails. More info
Email SchedulerSend multiple individual emails, html or plain text, with attachments, either as a one-off or regularly at a specified time and interval. More info
Outlook Find and ReplaceSearch for and replace text in your Contacts, Emails, Appointments, Notes and Tasks, saving you many hours of work. More info