4Team Online (Server Editon)


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4Team Online Server Installation is an “in-house” business solution, based on 4Team Online Service technology, enabling organizations to have ready-to-use web/intranet portals that connect users, teams, and knowledge base, so that the organization personnel could take advantage of shared information and workspaces (projects) across business processes to help them work more efficiently. In addition, the 4Team for MS Outlook users have centralized database to synchronize their 4Team data, accessing and updating it with or without Microsoft Outlook.

This offer has become possible now in response to our customers’ requests that already have 4Team for Outlook, use 4Team Online Service and are looking for a similar “in-house” version.


  • Full newly functional 4Team Online Service (click here to see its features), that allows you to create, share, and manage over the intranet/internet your teams, projects, calendars, contacts, schedules, to-do lists (tasks), discussions, news, documents, etc…
  • Access to and update of your data through your intranet and over the Internet.
  • Possibility to be implemented on your existing SSL and company domain.
  • Unlimited members license for the same price (you can install this server in you organization for a fixed price). 
    Simple maintenance and management like a website of your own, without costly support.
  • If the 4Team Server beta is included, it allows you to synchronize 4Team for MS Outlook data without email.
  • MySQL database (we use it under open source/free software license) can be implemented on other database for additional fee. The online service has been tested on more than a thousand teams and members, and has never been interrupted since August 1, 2003. 
  • First 3 months free online support by email and Live Help (response in 24 hours), including upgrades
  • We can install the server software on your existing web server during 3 hours, or we can provide you with a full turnkey solution that will include server hardware with 4Team Online installed.

This description is not a review but information provided by the product vendor or obtained from the vendor's website.