MAPILab Groupware Server


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Does your organization use Microsoft® Outlook® but not Microsoft® Exchange Server? How can you provide employees with shared access to critical folders in Microsoft Outlook: messages, contacts, tasks, calendar, and notices?

MAPILab Groupware Server provides shared access to workers in real time to all types of Microsoft Outlook folders, and also allows management of access rights to these folders.

MAPILab Groupware Server features

  • A server part of the software can be installed on any user’s computer with administrator rights given to one or more users. Installation and set-up is simple and intuitive.
  • From the employee’s standpoint, a folder in MAPILab Groupware Server looks like a shared folder of Microsoft Outlook and acts exactly like a folder in Microsoft Exchange Server: at the exact moment that someone creates a new element in the folder, it is visible in the user’s Microsoft Outlook folder.
  • Like the connection between Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Serve, the connection between Microsoft Outlook and MAPILab Groupware Server works according to the MAPI protocol. This insures that clients work together in real time.
  • Importing domains and local users. There is no need to add each new user or client separately, rather, they can be imported from the Active Directory and the users can connect to the server using their names and passwords for the domain.

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