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MAPILab Share`n`Sync is ideal for solving two tasks – organizing shared access to Microsoft® Outlook® folders in small organizations and synchronizing folders on several computers.

The product supports all types of Microsoft Outlook folders and items – email messages, contacts, notes, calendar, etc. Besides, the product supports most types of folders and items that don’t belong to Microsoft Outlook and which are attached with the help of special transports. The product is fully compatible with Microsoft® Exchange Server and Microsoft Small Business Server. So if you want to synchronize a shared folder on Microsoft Exchange Server with an ordinary folder on your home PC? – No problem!

Actually, computers exchange data by e-mail. Before the data is transmitted, it is automatically compressed, so the product can be used with dial-up lower-bit-rate channels.

The product works according to the following principle: you specify a list of users that should get access to one of your folders. You can also give them different access rights – for reading, modifying, deleting or creating new components. After that, the initial synchronization of your folder with folders on other users’ computers takes place. After you modify items stored in the folder, other users receive the data about the modified item. Their programme recognizes the special message containing the data (if the folders are synchronized through e-mail) and updates the item transparently for the user. If a user with modification rights modifies something on his computer, you get a message with corresponding data, and after the item is updated on your computer, all other users receive the updated data.

All this is protected by a special mechanism for the resolution of collisions that can appear when, for example, two users modify the same element in your folder simultaneously.

The programme supports three modes: manual, scheduled and automatic.

This description is not a review but information provided by the product vendor or obtained from the vendor's website.