Sent Items Organizer


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Let’s face it: The world of Outlook users is made up of two groups of people. You’re either a piler or a filer. A piler stores everything in the default folders and relies heavily on searching tools. A filer wants to (or more accurately has to) store emails into separate folders based on the content – because frequently various emails must be kept together by project, or by company, or if sent on behalf of someone. If you’re a piler, life is good in Outlook because search tools today are powerful, flexible, and quick. However, if you’re a filer, it’s not so good. That’s because you must individually move each item you send to the appropriate folder. And while you can do it with rules, they are inflexible, eventually run out of space and frequently copy the item instead of performing a move.

The Sent Items Organizer Add-In for Outlook organizes your sent email by implementing three different ways for you to file your sent items. You can file the emails based on who you are sending to, based on keywords that exist in the email subject or body, or have it offer you a chance to save the item to an Outlook folder other than the default. You decide in what order these “rules” run – and if no email meets the requirements to be moved, then it goes into your regular Sent Items folder just like it does now.

To help you further, you can also specify that emails that you send as a delegate from a shared mailbox (or Sent On Behalf Of) be moved to an Outlook folder you specify. This helps to overcome a shortcoming in the Outlook Rules Wizard, where you cannot move emails sent from a shared mailbox to any other folder.

Features and Benefits

  • Organizes your email by keeping related emails together
  • Sorts your sent items based on email addresses or keywords
  • Associate Outlook folders with keywords (e.g., project names or project ids)
  • Puts a “Send And File” button into your compose email window for simple filing
  • Optionally prompts for the folder to save to whenever you hit the Send button
  • Allows you to type just a few keys to list the folders you need
  • Optionally saves the email to a specific folder you designate with no prompting
  • Saves the sent items based on which account you are sending from (delegate access)
  • Includes a “Run Now” to help you quickly organize your existing sent items folder
  • Works with Microsoft Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2002, or Outlook 2000
  • Integrates directly into Outlook and is invoked from within Outlook
  • Works with Microsoft Exchange but does not require it

This add-in is perfect for shared mailboxes – because it can automatically file the emails into the Sent Items folder of that shared mailbox. In fact, we use this technique here at Sperry Software with our Tech Support shared mailbox.

In addiiton, to help you further, after you set up the add-in the way you like you can run it on all your existing sent emails. This way you can quickly become organized and operate more efficiently.

Here’s one more reason to use this add-in: Are you frustrated by the 32k rules limit in Microsoft Exchange? Sent Items Organizer can help you save space in your Outlook rules by replacing a whole series of rules with just this one add-in. It frees up your rules space and your valuable time.

This description is not a review but information provided by the product vendor or obtained from the vendor's website.