Incoming Email Organizer


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Do you have too many rules in Outlook?
Have you exceeded the 32k limit in Outlook Rules Wizard?
Or do you just need a quick and efficient method of getting your emails to their correct folders?

You can significantly lower the amount of space your rules take by using the Incoming Mail Organizer. It moves incoming emails into folders that you designate. Similar to our Sent Items Organizer, you can have the add-in automatically move the email to folders based on who it’s From (or To), keywords in the subject or body of the email, or you can have it ask you each time an email comes in (that it doesn’t know how to handle).

You can then remove the rules from Outlook Rules Wizard, freeing up valuable space in your rules and simplifying the rules process.

Features of the Incoming Email Organizer add-in include:

  • Organizes your email by keeping related emails together
  • Sorts your inbox into your chosen Outlook folders based on email addresses (optional)
  • Associate Outlook folders to keywords (e.g., project names or project ids) (optional)
  • Have it prompt you for the folder to save it to whenever email arrives (optional)
  • Optionally move the email to a specific folder you designate with no prompting
  • Includes a “Run Now” to help you quickly organize your existing inbox
  • Works with Microsoft Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2002, or Outlook 2000
  • Integrates directly into Outlook and is invoked from within Outlook
  • Avoids the Outlook security prompts so you won’t get those nagging security prompts
  • Works with Microsoft Exchange but does not require it

To help you further, after you set up the add-in the way you like you can run it on all your existing emails. This way you can quickly become organized and operate more efficiently.

And best of all, you decide in what order these filters run – and if no email meets the requirements, then it stays in your regular Inbox folder just like Outlook does now.

This description is not a review but information provided by the product vendor or obtained from the vendor's website.