Secure Email Forward


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Security is at an all time high for everyone and your email is no exception. Stay secure by keeping the content of your email messages within the boundaries of your systems. With Secure Email Forward, only limited parts of an email get forwarded to an email address.

You simply designate the email to foward to, then which parts you want forwarded (choosing from subject, ‘from’ address, even the body of the email) and then set which folder the add-in should monitor (for example your Inbox). The next time an email comes in, it will be forwarded to the email address you designated.

Because the add-in will watch any Outlook folder (not just your Inbox), it can be combined with the Outlook Rules Wizard to become an extra powerful utility. Add it to your cart by selecting the “Add To Cart” button.

The Secure Email Forward add-in has these features:

  • Easily enable/disable the add-in – just turn it on, and the email messages that you specify will be forwarded
  • Customize which email messages are to be forwarded, or forward all of them
  • Choose to automatically scan your Inbox or any other Outlook folder
  • Coded to avoid the Outlook Security Prompts
  • Send to one or to many recipients
  • Forward the Received Date, Subject, From Address, or even the body of the email (ignoring attachments)
  • Customize the body of each email forwarded with your own text
  • Integrates directly into Outlook
  • Works with Microsoft Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2002, and Outlook 2000

Note: If you like this add-in, you might also be interested in Mobile Email Redirect, which will forward emails to your cellphone or PDA but when you reply, the replies go back to the original sender.

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