

VBOffice is a software company owned and run by Michael Bauer and located in Vollersode in Germany.

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Addins from this vendor

Category ManagerWith Category Manager you get all of your categories in a side-bar, a reminder service, synchronized with a central category list and much more. More info
OLKeeperPrevents you from closing Outlook when you accidentally press the Close button. More info
ReplyAllReplyAll is a free tool that alerts you when you hit the 'Reply To All' button in Outlook. This might prevent you from sending emails to the wrong recipients. More info
VBOffice ReporterVBOffice Reporter calculates the sum of values from tasks, appointments, and journal entries with just a few clicks. These reports may be filtered, grouped, and exported into an Excel file. More info
VBOffice SAMSAM automatically sets the sender, signature, and folder for sent items based on several criteria. More info