

Outlook-Stuff is part of EDV-Service Marchert which is owned an run by Peter Marchert and located in Germany.

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Addins from this vendor

ChangeNamesFinally eliminate chaos in your contacts with ChangeNames! Because of different settings or import procedures the uniformity of Outlook® contact table gets lost. This is the case for the address book as well as for the contact folders. Use ChangeNames in order to regain a uniform appearance. More info
CopyFolderWhen matching data with mobile devices there is often the problem that only standard folders can be synchronized. However, as a rule also newly created folders (and/or public folders) should be transferred to the mobile device as well. More info
CustomAnniversariesCustomAnniversaries is the solution for the missing year display for anniversaries in the calendar! By means of this tool you can customize the display of anniversaries in the calendar according to your requirements (e.g. "Thomas has today anniversary (5)"). More info
CustomBirthdaysCustomBirthdays is the solution for the missing age display for birthdays in the calendar! By means of this tool you can customize the display of birthdays in the calendar according to your requirements (e.g. "Today is Thomas's birthday and will be 37 years old"). More info
EditContacts (Pro)EditContacts (Pro) provides you among other things with the very often missed search and replace function for contacts to edit multiple contacts at the same time. With this tool changed company data can be adjusted in a jiffy (e.g. addresses, phone numbers or domain names after a migration). More info
FixMyBarsOutlook® can be extended by a various number of additional software (add-ins). Many of them install their own tool bar and the user moves this to a different position. But after a restart of Outlook® they return to their original places. More info
FormatNumbersWith just a few mouse clicks FormatNumbers puts the phone numbers from your Microsoft® Office Outlook® contacts into a uniform format (e. g. "+1 (123) 456-7890"). With this tool synchronization problems with mobile devices are a thing of the past. More info
ShowMailHeaderThe internet header of an email indicates the sender and the path the email has taken. This information can especially be used to detect SPAM. With a bit of excercise and the adequate tools for server analysis you will find out a lot of interesting information. More info