Exclusive Wintersale of Picture Attachments Wizard (50% discount)


For a limited time only, Collaborative Innovations is offering their Picture Attachments Wizard addin with a 50% discount when using the discount code; MSOUTLOOKINFO-WINTERSALE

This offer is valid until the end of the Winter (March 21).

Amongst others, the Picture Attachment Wizard addin will allow you to view picture attachments as thumbnails directly within the Outlook message or even view them all within a Slide Show. This takes away the need to open them one at a time. Continue reading: Exclusive Wintersale of Picture Attachments Wizard (50% discount)

ABF Outlook Backup
Use "ABF-1HTJ8" to get a discount when ordering!

Fonts, sizes and color settings of the Outlook interface

If you don’t like the way Outlook looks like by default, you might want to find out how you can change the fonts types, sizes and colors in Outlook to suit your taste better.

Most of them can be changed but the way to do it is scattered between various Windows and Outlook settings and even there they are not in a single location. This guide provides an overview how you can change which section of Outlook and if it needs to be done at Outlook level or at Windows level. Some sections can even be modified in multiple ways to reach the same results. Continue reading: Fonts, sizes and color settings of the Outlook interface

Live Hotmail Rename Tool

The Live Hotmail Rename Tool allows you to rename the account name and the folder set for Outlook Connector accounts in Outlook to a name other than the email address of the account. By doing so, you can use a more meaningful name or a shorter name to fix some interface issues. Continue reading: Live Hotmail Rename Tool

Christmas Time!

It doesn’t matter if you are sending real Christmas cards or electronic ones, Outlook can be useful to manage either. This special Christmas guide helps you prepare by using a special Christmas category, mail merge tips and instructions for cards and envelopes and links to templates and pictures you can use in your design.

Continue reading: Christmas Time!

Mail Merge

A mail merge allows you to send personalized messages to a large group of people at once without them knowing who else you have sent it to. This is a great way to have bulk messages look more personal, send everybody their own information (like a logon name and password) or send out Christmas cards.

There are various ways to do a mail merge and there are various tools available to further simply the process or add even more options. This guide gives an overview of these methods and walks you through a couple of examples to do your own mail merge. Although you can also do a mail merge to a document or directly to a printer, in our examples we will use an email as the output. The process for the other output options is very similar and this guide can also be used for that. Continue reading: Mail Merge


OutlookTempCleaner is a support tool for Microsoft Office Outlook. It gives you easy access to the Temp folder that Outlook uses to open attachments. It further allows you to automate maintenance to it via Windows's Scheduled Tasks.

Main Program Features

  • Easy access to Outlook's SecureTempFolder used for opening attachments
  • Determination of the current size of the folder
  • Empty the folder
  • Command line options to perform maintenance to the folder via for instance Scheduled Tasks and logon/logoff scripts

Continue reading: OutlookTempCleaner

Updated: Open Message in Internet Browser


Based on some feedback I’ve gotten, I’ve done a major revision on the code in the guide “Open Message in Internet Browser“. The result is an improved rendering of the message. For instance, web forms embedded in message are now working and the original layout is maintained. This is being achieved by a more direct approach of capturing the HTML of a message.

Sounds confusing? Well, since a picture says more than a 1000 words, I’ve also updated the guide with some examples. Sadly you cannot see it in the examples that the inserted animated gif-pictures are now working as well, but trust me; they do!

Separate mail coming from multiple POP3 accounts

By default, when you configure multiple POP3 account in Outlook, all the emails will be delivered to the same Inbox folder. Differentiating between the various accounts might be hard and it might not be directly clear which account was used to retrieve the email. This guide introduces several techniques which you can use to sort your email based on the account you have received it with.

While this guide is mainly focused on separating mails received from different accounts, the techniques can be used to sort mail based on other criteria as well.

Continue reading: Separate mail coming from multiple POP3 accounts