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Send/Receive errors

Nothing is more annoying than not being able to get your email when you want it and be presented with a sometimes very cryptic or a seeming meaningless error code instead. Although there are a multitude of error codes that you could be presented with, there are a couple of common solutions that work for many cases.

Aside from offering common solutions, this guide also contains a list of send/receive error codes which you may encounter and their meaning. For certain error codes, a more specific solution is mentioned. Continue reading: Send/Receive errors

October Hotfix for Outlook 2007


A new Hotfix has been released for Outlook 2007 that solves a whole heap of issues (22 in total).

Amongst others, it fixes a crashing issue that Exchange administrators were facing when importing pst-files via the import-mailbox cmdlet in PowerShell.

Another notable issue that got fixed is that since installing SP2, the Quick Click category was no longer saved.

Since this is a hotfix and not a regular update, you won’t be offered this update via Microsoft Update but will have to request it. You can do this at the information page of the hotfix which also list all the other things that got fixed. If you are not (seriously) effected by any of these issues, it is recommended to wait for the next Service Pack or regular Rollup Update which will most likely contain all these fixes as well.

Pst-file format specifications will be opened up


The Interoperability team at Microsoft announced that it will open up the pst-file format specifications to the public under the Open Specification Promise (OSP) license. This means that other developers would be free to use the pst-file format in their solutions and read/write to it without any restrictions. Currently it requires Outlook to be installed and using the Messaging API (MAPI) or the Outlook Object Model (OOM).

The documentation is still in the early development stages and the final version of the documentation is expected to be released in the first half of 2010.

More information about this can be found at the blog of of the Interoperability Team and at the blog of the Outlook Team.

OutlookTempCleaner 1.1


I’ve released an updated version of OutlookTempCleaner. In short, I added support for Outlook 2010, fixed a bug and did some fine-tuning. Of course, OutlookTempCleaner still remains free.

Some more details;

  • Outlook 2010 is now properly recognized (1.0 contained only preliminary support for Outlook 2010).
  • Fixed a bug where a message box could pop-up when using OutlookTempCleaner in silent mode (via a logon script for example) and no version of Outlook is installed on that system.
  • Tweaked the size display of the folder to report in KB instead of as 0MB when the folder is less then 1MB in size.

You can find more info about OutlookTempCleaner and download it here.

October Security updates for Outlook


Several security updates have been released for Outlook 2002/XP, 2003 and 2007. More details about these security updates can be found in their respective security bulletins;

KB973965: MS09-060: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Active Template Library (ATL) ActiveX Controls for Microsoft Office could allow remote code execution.
KB957488: MS09-062: Vulnerabilities in GDI+ could allow remote code execution.

In addition, there are updates for the Junk E-mail Filter of Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007.

The easiest way to get these updates and to install them is via Microsoft Update.
Note that if you are a home user and need support with these security updates, you’re entitled to no-charge support via your local Microsoft subsidiary.