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Notes4Outlook is a unique add-on for Microsoft Outlook to attach virtual sticky notes to Outlook emails. With Notes4Outlook you can easily keep your thoughts, ideas, pre-composed replies and lots more in context with any Outlook email. Whenever you select an email that has a Notes4Outlook note attached, Notes4Outlook will automatically display the attached note in a separate pop-up note window from where you can access all note editing features.

With Notes4Outlook it is easy to pre-compose replies, store notes that are linked to emails, reply with notes, forward an email with your note attached as a PDF, Microsoft Word document, HTML file, RTF file, or as a plain text file. Additionally you can import PDF, Microsoft Word, HTML, RTF as well as plain text files into any note you want to attach to an email, since Notes4Outlook can handle all those different file formats.

Main features;

  • Attach virtual sticky notes to Outlook emails
  • Create notes with the Notes4Outlook ‘Note editor’ that includes all the main formatting features of a regular word processor
  • Pre-compose fully formatted (HTML) replies that remain attached to any Outlook email before you actually send your reply
  • Reply with any pre-composed note with a single mouse click only
  • Forward parent emails with notes attached as a Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word Document, HTML, Richt Text (RTF), or plain text file
  • Attach files to notes and include them automatically to your replies and forwarding messages
  • Export your notes as Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word Document, HTML, Richt Text (RTF), or plain text files
  • Import Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word Document, HTML, Richt Text (RTF), or plain text files into your notes
  • and much more…

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