Auto Print


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Automatically prints email as it arrives at your Inbox without you having to do anything. Easily print your most important email messages with our built in filter. Perfect for hardcopy logs, just turn on your printer and go!

Features of the Auto Print add-in include: 

  • Prints the title and the name of attachments in addition to the email itself
  • Print just the email, just the attachment, or both
  • Print email that arrives at your Inbox or any other Outlook folder
  • Powerful filters allow you to print email containing certain subjects only or from certain senders only
  • Works with Microsoft Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2002 and Outlook 2000
  • Integrates directly into Outlook for easy access
  • Easily enable/disable the add-in to turn it on or off when you need it
  • Select multiple subjects and/or multiple senders, or print all incoming email
  • “Print Now” capability allows printing of emails and/or attachments in one or multiple folders
  • “Print Now” can be filtered by the built-in filters for fine grained control over what prints out
  • Ability to optionally delay between prints means that the emails and attachments print in order (i.e., one email, then its attachments, next email, etc.)
    Works on outgoing email as well

Because it also works on outgoing email, you can easily create a log of all your sent items.

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