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SmartReply 2007 is an utility for Exchange Server users who need to send mail from different addresses.

This utility allows an Outlook user the ability to easily select the From address of the new, replied or forwarded message.
The message can be replied with the same From adddress as original message has been sent to.
Also you can set a different signature for each e-mail address.

SmartReply 2007 can be used solely or (preferably) in cooperation with ChooseFrom for Exchange 2000/2003 utility or ChooseFrom for Exchange 2007 utility.

The utility is an Outlook COM add-in.

Typical scenarios of usage

  • Scenario 1.
    Your company has several company names that it goes under for various aspects of the business. As a result of that, you are running into the need to be able to chose which email address to send from. As the company runs Exchange, IvaSoft ChooseFrom utility has been bought and installed on the server. So far so good, but users complain about the need to fill out the “Have replies sent to:” field every time they need to send as non-default address.
    SmartReply 2007 simplifies the process of selection the From address.
  • Scenario 2.
    You are in an Exchange Server environment and have permission to send on behalf of/send as another user. You can enable the From: field from the view menu of your Outlook and select the appropiate name/address to e-mail from. However you can’t assign different signatures to different e-mail addresses then.
    SmartReply 2007 can help you to solve this problem. You do not need to install any server-side software like ChooseFrom to implement this functionality.
  • Scenario 3.
    A combination of previous two scenarios.

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