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Manual data entry is a non effective, annoying way to retrieve contact informations from e-mail message signatures, websites or documents. But fortunately there is a more affordable way for
getting addresses in seconds: ContactGrabber®

Save names, addresses, phone numbers, signatures etc. from any source, like mails, webforms and yellow pages by one click into Microsoft Outlook!

ContactGrabber® extracts the contact information and adds it into corresponding fields of Outlook automatically!

ContactGrabber® Highlights!

  • Automatic extraction of contact details
    Simply select a contact information block from any source (mail, website, or document) and call ContactGrabber®. This tool extracts the contact information and adds it into corresponding fields of your Contact automatically
  • Easily build lead lists from websites and online directories
    You know, there are only 2 steps for any address you want to get
    (Microsoft Excel for example). 1) mark it 2) grab it
  • Saving of addresses has never been easier!
    Don’t waste time with typing any more.
  • Easy to use!
    No special training required to use ContactGrabber®!
  • No Typing errors any more!
    ContactGrabber® does this work for you!!
  • Works with nearly any source
    Grab addresses from mails, websites and any text document.
  • Support for international addresses
    Best support for american and international addresses
  • Save e-mail-signatures in seconds
    Of Course without typing or typing errors.

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