Patient Information Management PRO


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Revolutionize your practice with P.I.M. PRO. P.I.M. PRO is a Microsoft® Office add-in that allows professionals in the medical field to organize, schedule, and analyze patient information within a Windows environment they are already accustomed to.

P.I.M. PRO transforms your MS Outlook into a complete patient manager by adding custom forms and toolbars to your existing Outlook folders. PRO version allows you to share appointments and patients in real-time WITHOUT Exchange Server. You can network up to 5 computers.

P.I.M. is a complete solution allowing you to run and organize your practice with over 10 built-in reports, including monthly recall, no-show, diabetic, balance overdue, and more.

A recall system is incorporated into P.I.M. PRO so you can restore lost revenue and promote your business. All patient information and appointments are backed up on an MS Access database.

The ABIS Inc. software development team is committed to provide you with the best products and support at an unbeatable price.


  • Patient Management
  • Appointment Scheduler
  • Reports
  • Patient Finder
  • Database Settings
  • Share Data

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