Email Templates


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Email Templates is an extension to Microsoft Outlook designed to send personalized messages rapidly to individuals and multiple recipients. Email Templates has the ability to create customizable message templates, speeding the process of handling email.

Email Templates provides any easy way to deal with repetitive email tasks. Instead of typing similar messages over and over again, or cutting and pasting from other documents, you simply select a template from the menu. By communicating quickly, you save valuable time. Email Templates allows you and your office to operate in a smooth, organized manner, alleviating time-consuming tasks and ultimately increasing productivity.

Email Templates can be easily used by everyone who uses email to quickly and efficiently customize, create and answer email.

Time Saving Features

  • Reply To Messages With a Single Click
  • Apply Templates To Multiple Messages With a Single Click
  • Quick Paste Text Through Quote Templates
  • Send Messages Directly to the Outbox for Single or Multiple Emails
  • Pre-Addressed Templates
  • Automatic Template Activation Through Inbox Rules

Personalized Features

  • Personalize Replies
  • Send Template Messages To Contacts
  • Access Contact Properties As Template Elements
  • Create Templates with HTML Formatting 
  • Set Message Options In Templates
  • Support For Templates With Attachments

Customizable Features

  • Use Templates To Create New Messages
  • Forward Messages Through Templates
  • Organize Templates In Subfolders/Submenus
  • Shared (Public) Templates
  • Extend The Product Through Scripting

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