Privacy Statement

General notice

All information on HowTo-Outlook is freely accessible without any need to log on. There are 2 points at which we collect information from you;

  1. You sign yourself up to our mailing list.
  2. Usage of the website for statistic purposes.

Mailing list

The mailing list for our newsletter is hosted at in the Netherlands. The list is protected against abuse (newsletters can only be sent out after explicit approval of the mailing list owner which is Robert Sparnaaij, owner and founder of HowTo-Outlook). The mailing list will never be made available to any third parties. Each outgoing email to the mailing list also contains information on how to unsubscribe. Once unsubscribed, your email address will be completely removed from our server; we do not keep a list of previously subscribed addresses.


As any professional website, HowTo-Outlook collects statistics about website usage in order to improve the usage of the website and provide content which is most relevant to you. In addition, these statistics can be used to report to any sponsors.
All of the information which is collected and reported remains anonymous; the data collected cannot be traced back to a single individual.


Cookies are small text files which are automatically generated and placed on your computer by your Internet browser and contain session information.
HowTo-Outlook itself does not place any cookies on your computer but does use third party services which do create cookies on your computer.
The main service that does this is Goolge Analytics, a service from Google Inc. (“Google”) to generate the aforementioned statistics reports.
Other services that could do this are from affiliate programs that we participate in. This helps them to trace any sales that might have been generated from HowTo-Outlook for which we are credited. You can configure your browser to not allow any cookies or to be warned when a cookie is placed on your system. Although this will not affect your browsing experience when visiting HowTo-Outlook, we do politely ask not to do this as the statistics collected and the (small) revenue stream generated from the affiliate programs we participate in, help us to continue to maintain and host the site for you.