Live Hotmail Rename Tool

The Live Hotmail Rename Tool allows you to rename the account name and the folder set for Outlook Connector accounts in Outlook to a name other than the email address of the account. By doing so, you can use a more meaningful name or a shorter name to fix some interface issues.

Main Program Features

  • supports multiple mail profiles
  • supports multiple Outlook Connector accounts in a single mail profile
  • supports any Outlook Connector account (,, @hotmail.xx, @live.xx, Office Live accounts, etc…)
  • autodetects if a configured account uses the Outlook Connector or not
  • allows you to specify a different name for both the Folder Set and the Account Name individually



Live Hotmail Rename Tool main screen
The interface of the Live Hotmail Rename Tool


Favorite Folders before
Before: can you tell how many unread items are for the extra Inbox and which account it belongs too?
Favorite Folders after
After: make it useful again by
renaming the folder set.
Folder Set before
Before: longer email addresses clutter
the interface and fall off the screen.
Folder Set After
After: use your own short descriptive
name for a cleaner interface.
Select Account before
Before: what part do you look at
to determine the account?
Select Account after
After: clean and simple


Live Hotmail Rename Tool is a free tool. To support the developer, please use the donate button below.

The latest version can be downloaded by clicking the download button below. For a version history click here.

System Requirements

In order to function properly the product requires the following;

  • The Outlook Connector
  • Outlook 2003 or Outlook 2007 (the Outlook Connector itself isn’t supported for earlier versions of Outlook)
  • Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista, 2008 Server or Windows 7
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later (detected during installation)

Live Hotmail Rename Tool does not work with Outlook Express.

Version History

Version 1.0
Released: February 5, 2009
Initial release